ISO 9001:2015
ISO 17100:2015

ISO 9001:2015 & ISO 17100:2015

Quality is key to success. At BQT, we have adopted ISO 9001:2015 as our Quality Management System. We also follow ISO 17100:2015 (previously EN 15038:2006) with regards to the Translation aspects.

BQT is strongly committed to providing services that meet and anticipate customer expectations. To accomplish this, Quality has been incorporated into all aspects of our business assuring the highest value and satisfaction for our Customers, Employees, Business Partners and Shareholders.

At BQT, as part of our Best Practice Clearinghouse, ISO is built in to everything we do. All processes and procedures are carefully documented with the idea to build corporate knowledge, spread our know-how and provide repeatable and stable deliverables to our Customer and Stakeholders.

As a process-driven services company, ISO 9001 was a natural choice. ISO has also been one of the vehicles allowing us to ensure Quality throughout our Business Partner Network. As a largely adopted standard, most of our Customers also use ISO 9001:2015 allowing us to share a common language and focus.

We conduct regular audit of our Quality System and our online environment, BQT eWolrd Platform, includes most of our ISO forms, processes and requirements of traceability.


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704 N. king Street Suite 500
Wilmington DE 19801. USA

BQT INC. Germany
Rosenheimer Straße 116
81669 Munich, Germany
+49 179 50 43 455

BQT INC. Europe
Shared Services Center Europe
Rozabella 6, Building Paris, 2º Floor-7
28290 Las Rozas de Madrid, Spain
+34 91 086 1647

Shared Services Center: