Engineering, Machinery & Construction

Engineering, Machinery & Construction

The large volumes of increasingly sophisticated technical documentation ranging from product specifications and datasheets to online help and user documentation content drive the localization needs for the Engineering, Machinery and Construction industry. Most of the same information is used in multiple formats throughout the product lifecycle. This increases the need to repurpose translation content and leverage across languages. As organizations face growing domestic market pressure and competition, they are increasingly turning to the global marketplace to maintain and grow market share. A good globalization strategy is to ensure all critical content are properly localized for the global market.

BQT offers a wide range of Localization Solutions that help companies to:

  • Bring products to global markets faster with reduced cost
  • Improve information sharing throughout the enterprise worldwide
  • Reduce global support cost with quality localized documentation in all target languages
  • Ensure compliance with international regulatory requirements for product software, labeling, and documentation
  • Ensure technical accuracy for the correct operation of the product in the target market

For specific projects, as especially those that feature controlled English as a source, BQT also offer machine translation solutions. Combined with Translation Memory and Human Translation and Post-Editing, additional turnaround time may be achieved.


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704 N. king Street Suite 500
Wilmington DE 19801. USA

BQT INC. Germany
Rosenheimer Straße 116
81669 Munich, Germany
+49 179 50 43 455

BQT INC. Europe
Shared Services Center Europe
Rozabella 6, Building Paris, 2º Floor-7
28290 Las Rozas de Madrid, Spain
+34 91 086 1647

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