Collaborative Project Management

Collaborative Project Management

Over the last years, the founders of BQT have developed and promoted a new form of Project Management: Collaborative Project Management.

The idea is threefold:


  • Integrate Team sharing & Communication into the project management environment using Social Media as a model: Business 2.0
  • Build a Work Breakdown Structure that allows the parties to collaborate both using their own workflows and processes
  • Integrate Sales & Profitability into the model

To better understand the concept, a Work Breakdown Structure is a hierarchical decomposition of the project into manageable units.

Quantity, Scope, Schedule, Cost and Progress Data are collected at the lowest level and rolled-up to the next level. This until it reaches the highest level and gives and consolidated view of the project.

The Earned Value Methodology (EVM) is used for the roll-ups. The name of the methodology is not well known in the localization industry but it is a worldwide standard. It originate from US military planning during the cold war and is built in to software packages like Microsoft Project (Yes, the tools does more than produce fancy Gantt charts).

The inconvenience of the standard WBS is that the blocks are all the same for the Client and the Provider. The lowest level, the task, is usually defined by the Client. The Provider is not taken into account. He may need to combine tasks or split them and when this occurs, the automation of the roll-up falls apart.

BQT’s Solution has been to develop a new model allowing parallel structures at the lowest level.

The Customer and BQT agree on levels 1 and 2: Project and Language Components.

At Level 3, the Customer’s workflow is defined using Activities, BQT’s Workflow is defined using Tasks in parallel.

Flexible links are established between Activities and Tasks that will allow Scope and Financial information to flow seamlessly and roll-up automatically.

This is the project model behind BQT eWorld Platform and one of the major achievements of the BQT R&D Team.


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704 N. king Street Suite 500
Wilmington DE 19801. USA

BQT INC. Germany
Rosenheimer Straße 116
81669 Munich, Germany
+49 179 50 43 455

BQT INC. Europe
Shared Services Center Europe
Rozabella 6, Building Paris, 2º Floor-7
28290 Las Rozas de Madrid, Spain
+34 91 086 1647

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