Electronics & High-Tech

Electronics & High-Tech

Hi-Tech and Electronics firms have been defined by industry experts and those “engaged in the design, development, and introduction of new products and/or innovative manufacturing processes through the systematic application of scientific and technical knowledge” (Michael Bush, “Students Rank Social Responsibility”, Advertising Age, August 4 2008). Releasing and managing products worldwide in a variety of international markets is a necessity. BQT offers localization solutions to most of the Electronics & Hi-Tech Market:
  • Computer and peripheral equipment manufacturing
  • Computer system design and related services
  • Communication equipment manufacturing
  • Video & surveillance solutions including security
  • Internet publishing and broadcasting
  • Internet service providers and web search portals
  • Data processing, hosting and related services

Localization Solutions

Technologies are expanding globally at rapid pace. Competition to grow existing and mature domestic markets has driven most companies to the international market. But selling internationally requires targeted products & communication that will influence the local buyer. While maintaining & expanding the European client base, companies are expanding to key emerging markets such as Latin America, Africa, India and China and also establishing global production facilities to optimize labor costs and provide service centers close the end customer. BQT’s services encompass Translation, Graphic Services and Engineering to provide you with a true solution to international success.


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704 N. king Street Suite 500
Wilmington DE 19801. USA

BQT INC. Germany
Rosenheimer Straße 116
81669 Munich, Germany
+49 179 50 43 455

BQT INC. Europe
Shared Services Center Europe
Rozabella 6, Building Paris, 2º Floor-7
28290 Las Rozas de Madrid, Spain
+34 91 086 1647

Sales: sales@bqtglobal.com
Shared Services Center: ssc@bqtglobal.com
Helpdesk: helpdesk@bqtglobal.com